Interactive Checklists

List Submission

Create a helpful or informative list and request to make the list public.

Share your expertise and gain exposure

This is your opportunity to help others benefit from your experience, learn something new, or plan for an event. First, create an informational list or checklist that relates to your field of expertise. Then, submit it to our public listing by sending it to n_o_s_p_a_m. (See details below.)

As author of the list, you can choose to be listed as "Anonymous" or you can share your name which will link to your profile. Please let us know your preference when you send us your list.

Businesses and organizations can increase visibility by requesting to "brand your list". This means a banner with your logo, company name, by-line, and contact information (up to 4 lines of text) will appear at the top of each list you choose to brand. You name/company will also appear next to your list in the Public Checklist Template directory. Sharing information about your field of expertise is a great way to attract interest to your company and website. You will appreciate the search engine optimization results from a direct link to your website.

NOTE: Your list (with descriptions), email address, and request for branding can all be sent to the email listed above.

Please send us the following information in order to brand your list:

  • Image or company logo (at least 50 pixels in height or width)
  • Company name as you would like it to appear
  • Contact information to be published
  • Four lines of text are available for your, by-line, special office, or important information about your company or organization. You may want to include information that is not listed in your profile.

Each individual, company, or organization can brand up to 15 lists for a cost of $150.00 per year -- a small price to pay for the marketing benefit you'll receive. Payment will be collected through PayPal.

Guidelines for list submission:

  • List must have a title
  • Include a short description of the list
  • Suggest one or more subject categories (from currently available ...or suggest a new category)
  • Include at least 5 items
  • A description for each item is highly recommended, but should be less than 750 words
  • Must be cohesive and relate to the title/subject
  • List must be informative, useful, and concise
  • No links within the list will be allowed
  • List sources and references for information. (Links here are permissible but may be shown at the discretion of Interactive Checklists.)
  • Please send us the email address associated with your account. (This is for verification purposes only and will not be shared publicly.)

We will respond to you within 10 business days and let you know if your submission will be added to this directory or if revisions are needed.


Please keep all content professional and family-friendly, using correct English (US spellings preferred).

All submissions will be screened for plagiarism and may be edited by us without your permission. We will attempt to keep the wording as close to your submitted version as possible. All submissions become the property of and may be re-used for related purposes, but you will retain credit for the submission. retains the right to remove or replace any checklist or profile for any reason at any time.

Note: Although these checklists have been carefully prepared by individuals who are experts in the subject, we do not suggest the information be used as a substitute for legal, medical, or financial advice. Always consult a professional who understands your specific situation.